Women in Marital Discord – A study


A recent report was published by Vasavya Mahila Mandali, Andhra Pradesh on the maintenance among women in marital discord. Of the 3,70,801 cases filed pan India through the two financial years (2018-2020) of the study, only 41,934 execution petitions were filed. The premise of the study is based on the fact that in spite of the provisions in laws, women continue to struggle to receive maintenance.

The report weaves its studies through not just empirical data but real stories of 100 women who have filed cases for maintenance. The study goes on to highlight the issues and challenges faced including legal, financial, societal, family and health. Long legal battles for maintenance of women who have already been out of the workforce due to marriage and household responsibilities tend to lose out further on earning opportunities stated the study. The economic relief under the existing laws that are meant from saving the woman from vagrancy and starvation may not necessarily mean restoring a dignified life, it further claimed.

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From gaps and ambiguity in the law to lack of awareness of free legal aid services, the exhaustive study also reviews existing legal provisions for maintenance and showcases best practices followed in other countries.

The report can be accessed as under.

You can reach Vasavya Mahila Mandali can be reached as follows

vasavyamm@vasavya.org +91-8662470966


A mother, a daughter, a sister, a lover, a friend, a mentor, an author, an aspiring artiste, a spiritual enthusiast and a whole lot of things wrapped into this being, lets call her Simply Suparnaa.